Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Single Issue Tools - Simple - Sun Charts

"Design tools are required to assess site and building layouts for passive solar design. The resolution of such issues can be achieved from consideration of the angular relationship between the sun, the building and any shading devices and obstructing bodies. Such design tools are often manual methods. In the heating season the aim is to avoid overshadowing so that beneficial solar gain can be harnessed to offset the heating load. Sun charts can be used to assess the degree of shading on the building facades due to terrain features, surrounding buildings, facade projections and local landscape features. Dirrerent approaches exist to analyse the direct solar beam:
1.graphical plots;
2.manual trigonometric methods (rarely used); based trigonometric methods, often with graphical output;
4.scale models examined using a sundial device, and natural sunlight or an artificial light source; and
5.scale models using a heliodon, a device that mechanically reproduces the geometric movement of the sun." to find out more...
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